Thursday, May 24, 2012

Meet the bloggers: Gabriel Fair

Part II: The cashew cheese to the gluten free macaroni.

Gabriel began his road down the path of righteousness when he went vegetarian in 2009 as a sophomore in college. It was this year that he was at the beginnings of his environmental awareness, and took the meat-free plunge in a small but noble attempt to decrease global carbon emission, increase effective use of global food crops, limit harmful chemical runoff and....well, you've seen the documentaries. (If you haven't, no worries. We'll be hooking you up with great reviews of some of the best and worst environmental documentaries, articles, and books out there. It's overwhelming, I know. But together you and I can figure this out and restore our bodies and our planet to a state of infinite beauty once more!).

He was always looking for a reason to go full-on vegan, but never had the time, energy, or whole-hearted determination to go all-in. Until.... Gabe met Ari. It was the first meeting of the semester for the university's official student environmental organization. The friendship soon blossomed, and before you know it they're attending and hosting vegan potlucks, starting up an organic garden, and going FBO (ie, "Facebook Official"). Ari's super hip vegan ways were enough to drive Gabriel to take the final plunge into a life sans animal products on May 23rd, 2012 (his vow was her 20th birthday present....precious, right?). You'll see documentation of his journey here on 2PoorVegans. Stay tuned!

To sum it up in 20 words or less: We're self-proclaimed environmentalists and accused hippies. We like our food delicious and our animals alive. Welcome to our blog.

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