Fall break was a wondrous time! I came home in the early afternoon on Sunday to a house emptied of its usual occupancy of 5 musky college men... but my Gabies was there! He told me of his plan to watch a movie that he's been itching to watch (Micheal Moore's Capitalism, A Love Story. I highly recommend it. Gets the old gears turnin, that's fo sho...) but to my surprise.... Ta da! I come outside to see a sweet set up that would make any self-proclaimed techie giddy in his gizmos. DVD player + projector + draped bed sheet + social justice documentary + roof ladder + candle lit dinner = one night I am sure to never forget. Certainly worthy of this black bean/ brown rice salad mish-mash with watered down OJ and apple rice crispy bites.
Once finished with dinner, we climbed up to the roof and lie under an awe inspiring blanked of a perfectly existent universal splendor. All whilst crying in disgust of how terribly despicable our corrupt society has become.
Remember: A spinach a day takes the iron-deficiency away!
Another GORGEOUS fall day in Clemson means..... another excuse to sit outside and share a beautiful meal together. And it was a BIG SALAD day! My faves! Super delish pile of mixed veggies drenched in honey-maple dressing topped with boiled red potatoes and carmalized BBQ onions. Great touch to a great day in the 100 acre wood. The little brosef ate with us, too!
The drink? Iced spearmint tea I'd neglected to drink from that morning...with no allergic reactions from Gabe! Scoresville.
Ok. So I'm kind of ashamed of this one. Saw this little pack lunch at the convenience counter at one of the academic buildings on campus as I was going through my regular day as a college drone. Noticing that it was GLUTEN FREE, Ari got SUPER STOKED and was thusly suckered into taking on the role of being another consumeristic, convenience-inclined zombie-slave. While it was advertised on its packaging as being both delicious and nutritious (something that I can surely vouch for), it certainly was far from being eco-friendly. Not even eco-acquaintancely. Cardboard package, containing individually wrapped chocolate slice. Tetra packed hummas. Plastic wrapped crackers, edamame, and trail mix. Mama, there's petrol EVERYWHERE. Suffice to saw, I was slightly disgusted with myself as I indulged in this sinful delight (ironically) in our campus' Students for Environmental Action headquarters.
Please forgive me father, for I have sinned.
OMG GUYS, YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT! Harcombe Dining Hall (Clemson's premier all-you-care-to-eat student eatery) now has exclusively gluten free corner! And they cater to vegetarians! And vegans! And Ari! As you can see, Gabe and I went a bit hog-wild when we discovered such a magical place. I feel that we were justified. Your judgement is unwarranted. They had bagels, for Christ's sake. ...BAGELS.
Comparable in cuteness only to Gari (Gabriel + Ari), 209 Holden's newest power couple Chrachel [Crackle] (Christian + Rachel) had a grand old time crafting up a batch of homemade tortilla's last night. While they were shamefully full of gluten, Chrachel sure seemed to think they were tasty. I approve.
Did I mention last night was ALSO the opening of 209 Holden Cinemas! We have proof! Look down at all of our friends! #fullhouse
Our premiere showing was of my new favoritest favorite movie, Moonrise Kingdom. I highly recommend. Like...right fuckin now.
I'd say that's a well deserved meal after an eventful day full of victorious football watchings and indie shopping trips. We don't need to talk about how much I spent. I was paying for my self esteem, ok?!
Until we meet again.
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